Tickets Das Unitheater Konstanz präsentiert: „Bezahlt wird nicht!“ von Dario Fo, Kultursommer Festival 2023 in  Konstanz

Tickets für Das Unitheater Konstanz präsentiert: „Bezahlt wird nicht!“ von Dario Fo Kultursommer Festival 2023

Tickets – Das Unitheater Konstanz präsentiert: „Bezahlt wird nicht!“ von Dario Fo Konstanz


Everything is getting more and more expensive – who should pay for it? “There is no payment!” is the answer of the protagonists in Dario Fo's political comedy from the 1970s. Although Dario Fo reacted with his play to the effects of the oil price crisis of the 1970s, the leitmotifs are still relevant. As then, people today are struggling with the problems arising from inflation. In the play itself, the working class decides without further ado not to pay for the groceries any longer. The rebellious vigilantism of the characters entangles them in all sorts of absurd situations. Despite the seemingly bleak situation, Fo manages to create a fast-paced exchange of blows as a plea for self-empowerment through the use of satirical elements.

Mit: Uni Theater